Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Having achieved the qualification standard for hospital release, I can go home. This does take until late afternoon - no issues with beds and turfing out patients here and Monday seems to be a busy day for admissions. The weekend was very quiet and only half a dozen of the rooms were occupied, mostly by very elderly patients which increased my feeling that I didn't belong here any more. Keeping DH calm whilst we wait for the discharge nurse is tricky as he just wants to go. But eventually we are released into the outside world and the longest walk I've taken for nearly a week.

Despite DH's best efforts, every braking or cornering manoeuvre  pulls the seatbelt into my stomach and I jump about 3 feet in the air. Then he apologises. The route home takes in three large roundabouts and some winding back road. There is a great deal of jumping and apologising.

By 8 pm I am shattered. Everyone - my parents, my in-laws, my children - are at home and pleased to see me. It quickly becomes too much and I slink off to bed. Tuesday I am still wiped out and spend most of the day in bed and furious with myself because I haven't done anything and yet I'm exhausted. I might be home but there's clearly a long way to go.

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