Saturday, 2 February 2013

And Thursday makes 7

Another cycle starts. The oncologist, bless her, has now taken to opening her discussions with me with a hasty "How are you?" followed immediately by the report on my bloods. Fortunately this week the neutrophils are fine but the platelets are on the borderline, so I guess next cycle will be a knock back again. It will be easier as I'm mentally prepared for it I think. "You're not making this easy for us you know", says the oncologist with a smile. I'm not doing it on purpose, honest!

Again, I felt ok in the last two weeks. I'm trying to get outside a bit more now that I no longer have to wrap up every exposed bit of flesh. The cold definitely affects my nose, which can be very painful if I'm outside and is full of scabs from little bleeds. Nothing drastic, I'm not even aware of them happening, just that I have a clogged up nose.

I had to have "the conversation" with two more close friends this week. One I hadn't told because she was in the middle of the end of an horrendous court case (she was the victim of a very unpleasant assault) when I was diagnosed and somehow the subject hadn't really fit into the conversation since - it gets harder to raise the longer you leave it. The other I just hadn't spoken to for a while. Both gutted for us but both upbeat and positive, and still taking the piss out of me, which is the most important thing.

I have now got this working on my iPhone, so there may be a few photos to add. Watch this space!

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