Friday 9 November 2012

More snakes

The first few days post-cycle 2 went fine. I had the pins and needles again, very tired, and slept quite a lot.

Generally the house has been quite poorly. DS was sick on the Wednesday night prior to cycle 2, and DD's stomach clearly wasn't right (there's no way ANYTHING should smell as bad as her guts, poor little mite). Then DH went down at the weekend, although he swears blind it was something he ate. How he manages to keep up such a line in the face of the obvious explanation is beyond me. Finally on Monday TN turned up looking like death, so we sent her home - turned out she has a gastric thing too.

So I shouldn't have been surprised when I spent Tuesday wondering not if I was going to throw up, but how far it would go when I did. Got through Tuesday (without throwing up, no idea how) and then surrendered to the chemo unit on Wednesday. I had to go anyway to check the portacath wound and saw them about the nausea then too. More meds, this time cyclazine. No good, worse Thursday so back we went again. This time I actually got to see the doctor and then the chemical consultant. More meds, I've given up asking what exactly, don't care as long as they work. The consultant thinks I'm having a reaction to the Capcitabine, which is unusual but not unknown, so we may change the regime next time to a fully IV one. The bonus of the oxaliplatin/Capcitabine regime is supposed to be the minimal invasiveness, in that it can go in a cannula/orally, but once the portacath is in then that advantage has gone, anyway.

Friday starts badly - I get up but collapse back with stomach pains quite quickly. Antacids seem to help, although I don't know if I should be taking them or not with everything else that's going in. After that it improves a bit, enough for me to want to talk about it, anyway.

A wretched week when it's been difficult to keep my spirits up. Thank goodness for DH, my parents and my in-laws, who have sopped up the mess.

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